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What We Do

Counselling, Coaching and Therapy  
Our aim is to support your mental, emotional and spiritual well-being and growth, and to help you manage and overcome whatever personal challenge you may be facing. 

Adults  Our clients come to us for many reasons. Each brings a unique story and challenge to face.


Some come to us in crises, feeling overwhelmed, needing to address an urgent problem. Others are wanting to resolve long standing issues that are an ongoing cause of stress or discomfort. Some of these issues have already been given names; like depression, anxiety, addiction. Some extend beyond names. Some clients come to us independently, others have been encouraged to contact us.


While each person's situation is unique, most share a desire to change their inner state. They may want to experience more joy, a renewed zest for life, more peacefulness and contentment, clarity and understanding, to be more loved and loving, have more confidence and inner strength,  a healthier, vital sense of themselves, and a purposeful, fulfilling life. 


Helping determine how you want to be, where you want to be, and helping you get there - this is our work.

Youth     Immersed in a world of rampant materialism, consumerism, global instability and financial extremes, today's youth face a unique set of challenges.


Traditional support systems ; school, family and community, are struggling to provide youth with an adequate understanding of the negative forces they are encountering, and are also unable to equip them with the skills needed to avoid their negative effect. Influenced by media, exposed to substance abuse and violence, often conflicted with moral decisions as well as expectations from society, their peers and family, youth can often feel confused and alone.


Listening to their stories and struggles, helping youth reconstruct their experiences, discovering their strengths and identity, working with families where possible, empowering and supporting them on their journey - this is our work.

Couples   Facing problems, disagreements, different opinions are normal experiences for most couples.


Many are able to work through these and move on, becoming stronger and closer through their experience. Not all couples succeed in this however, and many benefit from seeking professional help at different times.


Some couples are proactive, seeking our support to help strengthen and develop their relationship, others meet us in crises, struggling to hold on.


Responding to whatever the need is; providing a structured couples program, based on proven therapeutic approaches, or responding flexibly and sensitively to a relationship in crises - this is our work.  


Business Executives  The business world is a world that demands constant performance from its leaders.


These leaders are required to constantly push themselves and others to meet their own and others expectations, and to successfully manage the daily, unexpected challenges that end up on their desk. And most are expected to do this work alone. 


To support our business clients we offer an Executive Coaching service. We create opportunities for these busy professionals to reflect personally on their performance, reviewing their goals, exploring work and personal issues likely to impact on their work, and planning and monitoring self care strategies if needed.

​Helping them, and you, succeed and thrive - this is our work. 

Please note that remote, video counselling and online therapy is considered not suitable for people with severe and

chronic psychiatric illnesses. If you are unsure check with your local medical practitioner.


If you, or someone you know, is at risk of harming themselves, or someone else

seek help immediately from your local emergency services. 

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